
Romolo Giordano arrived at Capo Sant’Ampelio in 2008, with his refined, celebrated culinary art, accompanied by his young chef Nadi Rakipi, whose work has its strong roots in his mentor’s cuisine, and has an innovative, experimental streak.

chef amarea Nadi Rakipi

The kitchen

At Romolo Mare traditional Ligurian cuisine is revisited taking inspiration from a lifetime of travels and extensive research. Great care goes into selecting the freshest locally sourced ingredients. Continuous is the experimentation and innovation that guarantee the presence on the menu of always new proposals. Even celiacs and vegetarians can find dishes for their needs.

The kitchen

At Romolo Mare traditional Ligurian cuisine is revisited taking inspiration from a lifetime of travels and extensive research. Great care goes into selecting the freshest locally sourced ingredients. Continuous is the experimentation and innovation that guarantee the presence on the menu of always new proposals. Even celiacs and vegetarians can find dishes for their needs.

chef amarea Nadi Rakipi


Everyday we are glad to propose to our guests a seasonal list and a blackboard where you can always find a rich“ raw seafood assortment “ or our “ mixed fried fish “ and other different proposals related to the fishing day and to seasonal vegetables; on another blackboard you will find a list of our desserts, always tasty and tempting. During the year theme dinners are offered with special menus in which the protagonists are new oil, cheeses, artichokes, raw seafood to name a few, which you can follow on our social profiles.


Guests can eat on the beach during the summer and on sunny winter days, while in colder weather the full height glass enclosure is the only thing that separates our guests from the blue waves of the sea.

Ristorante sul mare
Copertina Sala con angolo

The wine cellar

“Un buon vino è come un buon film: dura un istante e ti lascia in bocca un sapore di gloria; è nuovo ad ogni sorso e, come avviene con i film, nasce e rinasce in ogni assaggiatore.”

Federico Fellini

The bar

In the summer from breakfast to the evening aperitif in the bar is a succession of proposals for a frugal snack: focaccia, sardenaira and torta verde, sandwiches, salads and cold dishes.


Info and reservations

Telephone: (+39) 0184 261105


Reservation recommended

Our restaurant is open everyday

“Sir John mangiava e brontolava, ma anche brontolando, mangiò di gusto per tutta la cena”


Giovanni Ruffini – Il Dottor Antonio – 1855